Alien species in a changing world (2021-22)

Alien species in a changing world: detection, monitoring and prediction (2021-22)

MOBILITY project supports collaboration with the Research Center for Biosystems, Land Use and Nutrition, Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning, Justus- Liebig-University Gießen, Germany.

Project aims:

Shared knowledge on the invasion process of Ailanthus altissima Harmonized protocols for UAS data acquisition and processing  Harmonized workflows to analyse RS spectral and 3D data 
Aligned workflows for invasive species distribution modelling
Collection of field and UAS data on Ailanthus altissima invasion
Geodatabases with remote sensing, field, and ancillary geodata 
Detection and distribution models 
Tests of model transferability 
Publication of the results 
Identification of open research question for follow up research proposal 

Principal investigator: Jana Müllerová

Other team members: Tomáš BartalošJosef BrůnaMatěj Man, Jiří Prošek

Principal Investigator in Germany: Dr. André Große-Stoltenberg