Author: labgisadm

  • New member

    Starting from April 2017 our lab will have a new member: Jiří Prošek

  • New member

    Starting from March 2017 our lab will have a new member: Vít Kašpar 

  • New projects and members

    Starting from January 2017 our Lab will have two new members: Nina Martincová and Martin Kopecký We will also start working on several new projects:  Trans-boundary mapping of forest ecosystems 2017-2019 Landscape memory 2017-2019 System for predictive distribution modelling of endangered bryophytes and lichens applied in nature conservation 2017 – 2020 Forest microclimate 2017-2019

  • New project approved: Modelling of bryophytes and lichens presence

    We have just received great news. Our project focused on species distribution modelling just passed grant competition. Furthermore, the project is one of the eight best rated projects in our category with other 160 projects. 

  • Successful Ph.D. defense of Martin Adámek

    Our lab-member, Martin Adámek, successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis “Wildfire as an ecological factor in the forests of Central Europe” at the Depatment of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University. The main result of the thesis is that wildfire is an important factor for certain Central European Scots pine forest formations, for example for pine…

  • Research highlight in Nature

    Paper from LONGWOOD project, co-authored by Jana Müllerová from our department just got into research highlights in Nature: Original paper:

  • We will appear at GIS Esri in ČR Conference 2016

    Held in Prague 2.-3.11.2016. We are preparing multiple posters and small presentation in education section. More information:

  • New project: COST LD

    1.11.2015 We have started working on our new project Modelling of large scale multi-agents disturbances in mountain spruce forests to assess their different scenarios  2015-2017  funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, project number: LD15158.

  • Team Botany Peloton won in Bike 2 Work competition

    Botany Peloton team (Jan Wild, Martin Adámek, Martin Macek, Martin Kopecký and Jan Čuda (department of ecological invasions)) had participad in Bike to work competition during May. They won the first place in periodicity category in Prague. Congratulations!

  • We are part of COST PROFOUND

    Towards robust projections of European forests under climate change Jan Wild and Josef Brůna became MC Member and MC Substitute for this COST action earlier in 2014. Now, after the first meeting, we can say it will be really beneficial for us and hoepfully for other members as well. We took part of several task…