Matěj Man

Phone: +420 271 015 192


I focus on bryophytes. Their interaction with microclimate. Prediction of rare species using DEM derived parameters and climatic measurements. I am trying to establish common national database of bryophytes and lichen species occurrence in Czech Republic.


2015 – present: research assistant at Institute of Botany, The Czech Academy of Sciences.

2008 – 2015: campaigner environmental NGO Arnika, Prague.


2015 – present: PhD study in Botany, Charles University, Faculty of Science in Prague, Czech Republic. Dissertation: Factors affecting occurrence of bryophytes and distribution modelling at different spatial scales

2010 – 2015: Charles University, Faculty of Science in Prague, Dept. of botany,  MSc in Botany, Thesis: Bryophytes of the arable land in the Czech Republic (PDF)


Radoměřský T., Bobek P., Man M., Svitavská Svobodová H. & Kuneš P. (2023) Modelling the location of interglacial microrefugia for cold-adapted species. Preslia 95: 267–296.

Abraham V., Man M., Theuerkauf M., Pokorný P., Bobek P. & Novák J. (2023) Spatially explicit, quantitative reconstruction of past vegetation based on pollen or charcoal data as a tool for autecology of trees. Landscape Ecology.

Klinerová T., Man M. & Dostál P. (2023) Invasion tolerance varies along a topographic gradient irrespective of invader presence. Oikos 1–15.

Man M., Malíček J., Kalčík V., Novotný P., Chobot K. & Wild J. (2022) DaLiBor: Database of Lichens and Bryophytes of the Czech Republic. Preslia 94: 579–605.

Man M., Wild J., Macek M. & Kopecký M. (2022) Can high-resolution topography and forest canopy structure substitute microclimate measurements? Bryophytes say no. Science of The Total Environment 153377.

Vojík, M., Sádlo, J., Petřík, P., Pyšek, P., Man, M., & Pergl, J. (2021). Two faces of parks: Sources of invasion and habitat for threatened native plants. Preslia, 92(4), 353–373.

Čmoková, A., Kolařík, M., Dobiáš, R., Hoyer, L. L., Janouškovcová, H., Kano, R., Kuklová, I., Lysková, P., Machová, L., Maier, T., Mallátová, N., Man, M., Mencl, K., Nenoff, P., Peano, A., Prausová, H., Stubbe, D., Uhrlaß, S., Větrovský, T., Hubka, V. (2020). Resolving the taxonomy of emerging zoonotic pathogens in the Trichophyton benhamiae complex. Fungal Diversity, 104(1), 333–387.

Lembrechts J.J., Aalto J., Ashcroft M.B., De Frenne P., Kopecký M., Lenoir J., Luoto M., Maclean I.M.D., Roupsard O., Fuentes‐Lillo E., García R.A., Pellissier L., Pitteloud C., Alatalo J.M., Smith S.W., Björk R.G., Muffler L., Cesarz S., Gottschall F., Backes A.R., Okello J., Urban J., Plichta R., Svátek M., Phartyal S.S., Wipf S., Eisenhauer N., Pușcaș M., Dan Turtureanu P., Varlagin A., Dimarco R.D., Jump A.S., Randall K., Dorrepaal E., Larson K., Walz J., Vitale L., Svoboda M., Finger Higgens R., Halbritter A.H., Curasi S.R., Klupar I., Koontz A., Pearse W.D., Simpson E., Stemkovski M., Graae B.J., Vedel Sørensen M., Høye T.T., Fernández Calzado M.R., Lorite J., Carbognani M., Tomaselli M., Forte T.G.W., Petraglia A., Haesen S., Somers B., Van Meerbeek K., Björkman M.P., Hylander K., Merinero S., Gharun M., Buchmann N., Dolezal J., Matula R., Thomas A.D., Bailey J.J., Ghosn D., Kazakis G., de Pablo M.A., Kemppinen J., Niittynen P., Rew L., Seipel T., Larson C., Speed J.D.M., Ardö J., Cannone N., Guglielmin M., Malfasi F., Bader M.Y., Canessa R., Stanisci A., Kreyling J., Schmeddes J., Teuber L., Aschero V., Čiliak M., Máliš F., De Smedt P., Govaert S., Meeussen C., Vangansbeke P., Gigauri K., Lamprecht A., Pauli H., Steinbauer K., Winkler M., Ueyama M., Nuñez M.A., Ursu T., Haider S., Wedegärtner R.E.M., Smiljanic M., Trouillier M., Wilmking M., Altman J., Brůna J., Hederová L., Macek M., Man M., Wild J., Vittoz P., Pärtel M., Barančok P., Kanka R., Kollár J., Palaj A., Barros A., Mazzolari A.C., Bauters M., Boeckx P., Benito Alonso J.L., Zong S., Di Cecco V., Sitková Z., Tielbörger K., van den Brink L., Weigel R., Homeier J., Dahlberg C.J., Medinets S., Medinets V., De Boeck H.J., Portillo‐Estrada M., Verryckt L.T., Milbau A., Daskalova G.N., Thomas H.J.D., Myers‐Smith I.H., Blonder B., Stephan J.G., Descombes P., Zellweger F., Frei E.R., Heinesch B., Andrews C., Dick J., Siebicke L., Rocha A., Senior R.A., Rixen C., Jimenez J.J., Boike J., Pauchard A., Scholten T., Scheffers B., Klinges D., Basham E.W., Zhang J., Zhang Z., Géron C., Fazlioglu F., Candan O., Sallo Bravo J., Hrbacek F., Laska K., Cremonese E., Haase P., Moyano F.E., Rossi C. & Nijs I. (2020) SoilTemp: a global database of near‐surface temperature. Global Change Biology 26: 6616–6629. gcb.15123.

Větrovský, T., Kohout, P., Kopecký, M., Machac, A., Man, M., Bahnmann, B.D., Brabcová, V., Choi, J., Meszárošová, L., Human, Z.R., Lepinay, C., Lladó, S., López-Mondéjar, R., Martinović, T., Mašínová, T., Morais, D., Navrátilová, D., Odriozola, I., Štursová, M., Švec, K., Tláskal, V., Urbanová, M., Wan, J., Žifčáková, L., Howe, A., Ladau, J., Peay, K.G., Storch, D., Wild, J., Baldrian, P., (2019) A meta-analysis of global fungal distribution reveals climate-driven patterns. Nature Communications. 10, 5142.

Man M., Wild J. (2014): Specifická stanoviště – cenné rokle, In Indikátory pro hodnocení přírodě blízkého prostředí, s. 73 – 76

Man M., Handincová V., Wild J., Bobek P., Adámek M. (2014): Specifická stanoviště – limitní zastoupení smrku, In Indikátory pro hodnocení přírodě blízkého prostředí, s. 83 – 90 (PDF)


LiDar is helping to discover valuable localities in Czech Bohemian Sand Stones, 2015, (first prize winner at conference poster competition; PDF)

Awards and Grants

2015 – 2018: Where all the bryophytes grow? Driving factors and species distribution modelling, University grant (GAUK), Main resolver

2016 – 2020: System for predictive distribution modelling of endangered bryophytes and lichens applied in nature conservation, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Second resolver