Jiří Prošek

E-mail: jiri.prosek@ibot.cas.cz
Phone: +420 271 015 245

My interests: object-based image analysis, satellite and aerial data processing, structure from motion 3D structure

Education: Ph.D. from Czech University of Life Sciences, Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Spatial Planning. Ph.D. thesis: Possibility and bottleneck of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in ecological research



Moudrý V., Keil P., Cord A. F., Gábor L., Lecours V., Zarzo-Arias A., Barták V., Malavasi M., Rocchini D., Torresani M., Gdulová K., Grattarola F., Leroy F., Marchetto E., Thouverai E., Prošek J., Wild J., & Šímová P. (2023) Scale mismatches between predictor and response variables in species distribution modelling: A review of practices for appropriate grain selection. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/03091333231156362

Moudrý V., Cord A.F., Gábor L., Laurin G.V., Barták V., Gdulová K., Malavasi M., Rocchini D., Stereńczak K., Prošek J., Klápště P. & Wild J. (2023) Vegetation structure derived from airborne laser scanning to assess species distribution and habitat suitability: The way forward. Diversity and Distributions 29: 39–50. https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.13644

Moudrý V., Gdulová K., Gábor L., Šárovcová E., Barták V., Leroy F., Špatenková O., Rocchini D. & Prošek J. (2022) Effects of environmental conditions on ICESat-2 terrain and canopy heights retrievals in Central European mountains. Remote Sensing of Environment 279: 113112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2022.113112

Kašpar V., Hederová L., Macek M., Müllerová J., Prošek J., Surový P., Wild J. & Kopecký M. (2021) Temperature buffering in temperate forests: Comparing microclimate models based on ground measurements with active and passive remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment 263: 112522. doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2021.112522