This function allows you to modify sensor metadata including sensor name. See mc_SensorMetadata
localities = NULL,
logger_types = NULL
myClim object see myClim-package
named list with metadata values; names of items are sensor_names e.g.
for changing sensor height use list(TMS_T1="soil 8 cm")
name of the sensor metadata parameter you want to change;
You can change name
and height
of sensor.
optional filter; vector of locality_id
where to change sensor metadata; if NULL than all localities (default NULL)
optional filter; vector of logger_type
where to change metadata; if NULL than all logger types (default NULL);
is useful only for Raw-format of myClim having the level of logger see myClim-package
myClim object in the same format as input, with updated sensor metadata
data <- mc_prep_meta_sensor(mc_data_example_raw, list(TMS_T1="my_TMS_T1"), param_name="name")