This function return data.frame with information about sensor states (tags) see myClim-package
myClim object see myClim-package
data.frame with columns:
locality_id - when provided by user then locality ID, when not provided identical with serial number
logger_name - name of logger in myClim object at the locality (e.g., "Thermo_1", "TMS_2")
sensor_name - sensor name either original (e.g., TMS_T1, T_C), or calculated/renamed (e.g., "TMS_T1_max", "my_sensor01")
tag - category of state (e.g., "error", "source", "quality")
start - start datetime
end - end datetime
value - value of tag (e.g., "out of soil", "c:/users/John/tmsData/data_911235678.csv")
This function is useful not only for inspecting actual states (tags) but also as
a template for manually manipulating states (tags) in a table editor such as Excel.
The output of mc_info_states()
can be saved as a table, adjusted outside R (adding/removing/modifying rows),
and then read back into R to be used as input for mc_states_insert or mc_states_update.
#> locality_id logger_name sensor_name tag start
#> 1 A1E05 Thermo_1 Thermo_T source 2020-10-28 08:45:00
#> 2 A1E05 Dendro_1 Dendro_T source 2020-10-31 12:00:00
#> 3 A1E05 Dendro_1 Dendro_raw source 2020-10-31 12:00:00
#> 4 A2E32 TMS_1 TMS_T1 source 2020-10-16 06:15:00
#> 5 A2E32 TMS_1 TMS_T2 source 2020-10-16 06:15:00
#> 6 A2E32 TMS_1 TMS_T3 source 2020-10-16 06:15:00
#> 7 A2E32 TMS_1 TMS_moist source 2020-10-16 06:15:00
#> 8 A2E32 HOBO_U23-001A_1 HOBO_T source 2020-10-09 08:00:00
#> 9 A2E32 HOBO_U23-001A_1 HOBO_RH source 2020-10-09 08:00:00
#> 10 A6W79 TMS_1 TMS_T1 source 2020-10-06 09:00:00
#> 11 A6W79 TMS_1 TMS_T2 source 2020-10-06 09:00:00
#> 12 A6W79 TMS_1 TMS_T3 source 2020-10-06 09:00:00
#> 13 A6W79 TMS_1 TMS_moist source 2020-10-06 09:00:00
#> end value
#> 1 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_91184101_0.csv
#> 2 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_92201058_0.csv
#> 3 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_92201058_0.csv
#> 4 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_94184103_0.csv
#> 5 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_94184103_0.csv
#> 6 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_94184103_0.csv
#> 7 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_94184103_0.csv
#> 8 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/HOBO/20024338.txt
#> 9 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/HOBO/20024338.txt
#> 10 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_94184102_0.csv
#> 11 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_94184102_0.csv
#> 12 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_94184102_0.csv
#> 13 2021-02-01 ./myClim/examples/data/TOMST/data_94184102_0.csv