This is universal function designed to read time-series and values from wide data.frame to myClim object. Useful for data not coming from supported microclimatic loggers. E.g. meteorological station data.
sensor_id = mc_const_SENSOR_real,
sensor_name = NULL,
clean = TRUE,
silent = FALSE
data.frame with first column of POSIXct time format UTC timezone, followed by columns with (micro)climatic records. See details.
datetime column - POSIXct in UTC timezone is required
Name of locality[1] - values
Name of locality[n] - values
define the sensor type, one of names(mc_data_sensors)
(default real
custom name of sensor; if NULL (default) than sensor_name == sensor_id
if TRUE, then mc_prep_clean is called automatically while reading (default TRUE)
if TRUE, then any information is printed in console (default FALSE)
myClim object in Raw-format
The first column of input data.frame must be datetime column in POSIXct time format UTC timezone.
Following columns represents localities. Column names are the localities names.
All values in wide data.frame represents the same sensor type, e.g. air temperature. If you wish to
read multiple sensors use mc_read_long or use mc_read_wide multiple times separately
for each sensor type and that merge myClim objects with mc_prep_merge
By default data are cleaned with function mc_prep_clean()
. See function description. It detects
holes in time-series, duplicated records or records in wrong order.