The main function that starts the Shiny application.

mcg_run(data, ...)



myClim object


parameters for shiny::runApp function


myClim object edited in app


The Shiny application opens in the RStudio viewer and can be opened in a web browser from there. The Shiny app provides an interactive tool for browsing myClim objects, inspecting, and comparing time-series data. You can view your time-series in interactive line plots or simple tables. It is also possible to inspect, add, and edit states (data quality tags). For now, it is not possible to edit time-series, but only states. To return myClim with edited states back to R environment hit "Return". See examples. For more details, see the myClimGui package description and vignette.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# start app only for browsing

# edit states, hit "return", save modified object into R environment. 
states.edit <- myClimGui::mcg_run(myClim::mc_data_example_agg)  
} # }